Latest Topics

  • AGM Meeting - Thursday 12th December 2024, 7.30pm, at Bere Regis Sports Club
  • Preparing for the Dorset Cricket League Umpiring Panel Training - Sunday 7th July 2024 - 10.30am to 2.30pm, Blandford Cricket Office, 3a Market Place, Blandford, Dorset, DT11 7AH
  • Mid-season Meeting - Thursday 27th June 2024, 7.30pm, Bere Regis Sports and Social Club
  • Young Cricket Officials Course - See details on courses page
  • New courses available - See details on courses page
  • Following the AGM, we now have new personnel on the committee
  • New Training courses announced, check out the courses page for more details
  • To coincide with the introduction of a new code of the Laws of Cricket the ECBACO has updated its training programme.
  • ECBACO has developed an on-line booking and payment system for its' training programme and this is the only way to book and pay for a course.

Recent Events


Dorset League

Jan 01, 2023

Please refer to Dorset leagues point system.


Captain's Marks and ACO Grades

Aug 29, 2022

A paper outlining the grading and marking systems is available on the InEx file section of 'Whostheumpire'.




CPD Meeting

Jan 01, 2023

To be arranged in March/April 2023.


Sponsorship Deal

Feb 14, 2023

Dorset Cricket Board has negotiated sponsorship for DACO umpires.




The Dorset Association of Cricket Officials provide qualified umpires and scorers appointed by our County Appointments Officer to officiate at matches in the Dorset Cricket League and in Youth games in County and District matches on behalf of the Dorset Cricket Board on a Sunday and midweek. Any official in Membership of the Association could also be appointed centrally to ECB matches.

In order to fulfil this function to the highest possible standard, every match official is invited to attend a training course during the winter. These training courses are held throughout the County and are organised and run by our trained instructors. All instructors and officers of the Association are unpaid volunteers. Details of courses to be run during the winter/spring of 2023 will appear on the ‘Training in Dorset’ page of this website as soon as finalised.

For any queries regarding any future involvement with umpiring or scoring, please contact our Secretary on or the Chairman who will be happy to assist.


ECB It’s Your call Stage One course has been replaced with the ECB Umpire Course.  Please see the Courses page for future courses.

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Stats & Scores

There are approximately eighty cricket clubs in Dorset. We appoint umpires to matches for twenty of those clubs for Saturday matches only. Our aim is to increase this number. To this end we require more instructors and equally important more equipment for our current instructors. Until recently we have been unable to fulfil the requests for umpires to officiate for Sunday matches. Fortunately, we are now able to provide umpires for a small number of Sunday matches.

We aim to continue this improvement by training and recruitment.